Here is a list of the common beekeeping terminology used in the HiveTracks app:
Apiary - hives and other equipment assembled in one location for beekeeping operations; also known as a bee yard.
Hive - all the worker bees, drones, queen, and developing brood living together in one hive or another dwelling; typically a box or receptacle with movable frames.
Inspection - a checklist with pertinent hive observation considerations:
- Brood - immature bees that have not yet emerged from their cells. Brood can be in the form of eggs, uncapped brood (larvae), or pupae of different ages.
- Eggs - the first stage in the development of the honey bee, in which one egg is laid by the honey bee queen in a wax, hexagonal egg cell. The honey bee queen may lay between 2000 and 3000 eggs per day.
- Uncapped Brood (Larvae) - the second stage in the development of the honey bee; a white, legless, grub-like insect.
- Capped Brood (Pupae) - the third stage in the development of the honey bee, during which it changes (pupates) from a larva to an adult bee.
Food Stores - A hive requires sufficient honey and pollen stores to feed the current population and to raise young bees. Honey and pollen stores should be visible at all times in varying amounts depending on the time of year and current population.
Bee Stressors - Diseases can result in a number of symptoms that include poor brood patterns, discolored or dead larvae, deformed wings, a change in behavior from lethargic to aggressive and many others. Record any observations that are out of the ordinary for a healthy hive. If you can diagnose a specific disease, then record that diagnosis below.
Covered Frames - A frame is covered if 75% or more of the frame has bees crawling on it.
To-do - any event, action, or condition that was or is to be accomplished for your beekeeping operations.
Recommendation - we use analytics to keep you up-to-date with information and personalized tips based on your beekeeping practices and the activity in your local community.
Bee Weather - a daily forecast that indicated the weather conditions that are optimal for bee productivity. We calculate wind, precipitation, temperature, and daylight hours for you according to your unique location.
Splitting - dividing a hive to form two or more hives.
Combining - uniting two or more hives to form one larger hive.
Harvest - the process of extracting honey from a hive.
Supering - any hive body used for the storage of surplus honey that the beekeeper will harvest. Normally it is placed over or above the brood chamber.
Winterization - when a beekeeper prepares their hives for winter survival.
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